Absolutely not! Don’t cancel!
Although the epidemic curve and economic situation will be different in every city, you can move forward with planning your upcoming event as either a fully virtual event or a hybrid virtual event and protect all the momentum you’ve built up in your event’s brand.

In a fully virtual event, all the speakers and attendees are connecting remotely online through a digital platform.
This approach is a great way to bring presenters from across the globe together without requiring travel! Unfortunately, DIY results for virtual conferences are often inconsistent – without preparing in advance, presenter connections can be intermittent with substandard video and audio quality. Event organizers have to work hard under these conditions to ensure their brand doesn’t suffer. Let the Jumbo team take care of these details for you!

Hybrid virtual events provide a compelling option in our new reality – where many or all of your speakers present from a common physical location, with high quality cameras and audio equipment, and your digital attendees connect online. A hybrid event simplifies your logistics as an organizer, standardizing presenter quality, but also protects your event’s brand by delivering an experience that’s always consistent with what your digital attendees paid for.
Our team can help you tailor a successful polished fully virtual or hybrid event – we’ve been pioneering virtual and hybrid events for the last 5 years through our exclusive Jumbo platform to dozens of clients of every scale: from small businesses and community organizations to Fortune 500 corporations.
Get in touch and tell us about how you want your next event to look. But whatever you do, don’t cancel it!