May 2022 Platform Update

Major Updates

This month, we’re extremely excited to bring you several major updates for our version 8.3 rollout of Jumbo.

Please reach out to your customer success specialist if you have questions or need help implementing these great new changes in your Jumbo Platform. We’re happy to help!

In the meantime – check out our notes below!

Hero → Your own dedicated broadcast channel through Amazon IVS integration!

  • Now every Jumbo site comes with your own private white label channel. Each standard platform comes bundled with 2000 viewer hours and additional viewer hours available for as little as a quarter per hour!
  • When your fresh Jumbo site is launched, our team will provide a channel for you with RTMP details displayed in your dashboard under the IVS option so you can get streaming right away!

Chat → Huge improvement in chat load times and user management

Your viewers using chat on Jumbo sites are now created with a universal identity and details across channels. This provides a ton of improvements for single-channel as well as multi-channel events! Instead of needing to load each user into chat every time they are opening a channel, this is now done once per user on your site!

These improvements include:

  • Faster loading of chat when moving between multi-channel events, and reloading the same channel. Now jumping from channel to channel during an event will be even easier and faster for your viewers! Returning to the same channel a user has visited before will load chat almost instantly.
  • Instant sync of new segment badges – need to change up a user’s chat badge during an event?
  • [Admins] Ability to manually re-sync user details in the case of a user who needs to have their name updated in the chat
  • Banning users is now universal across channels – instead of having to ban a user across individual channels

Platform → Massive performance improvements

Our customers love Jumbo over other virtual event platforms because they can build out dynamic content in an unparalleled way across the industry. However, all that freedom to design dynamic content across channels can mean that large events need to have a more focused eye on optimization. With all this in mind, we’ve worked hard in this release to ensure that your content loads quickly no matter what!

With a bunch of under the hood improvements, the average channel should load 30-80% faster! However most importantly, blocking load times have been virtually eliminated, meaning your viewers will start seeing content almost right away when they open a channel!

Specific improvements:

  • If a user can’t see the personalized (segmented) content it isn’t loaded for them
  • Any personalized (segmented) content doesn’t need a double check when the user is reloading the page
  • Goals load as fast as possible!

Platform → [Admins] Performance content visibility

With the power to build out dynamic content comes dynamic responsibility! Now your platform team can rapidly review how your content is implemented to advise on paths that could improve performance all around with our new performance profile tool!

Accessibility → ⌨️ Jumbo Video supports easy transcription

Hosting events with captioned content is now easier than ever now that Jumbo Video supports captions – meaning you don’t need any external apps or integrations to run a captioned event! A full transcript of your session while captions were running is available in the sidebar.

Simply fire up your channel, load Jumbo Video into your hero and enable captions as a Manager or Jumbo Video session moderator by using the Start subtitles menu item. Jumbo Video captions are billed at $0.25/minute as an add-on.

Data → Support for dynamic user details in external links

Other Features

Media → Media library folders

Our customers love building rich sites full of content! However, until now, lots of assets were getting trickier to navigate without a lot of clicks… with this in mind we’ve now rolled out Media Library Folders which you can find in the Media section of the admin area

Chat → Links called out and clickable in chat! 

Chat → User name badges now show exactly as others see them

Includes badge and everything

Channels → Universal menubar supports modals and support chat

Channels → [Admin] Channel edit screen shows icons for each channel

Platform → Features that require viewers to be login are consistent for admins to set up 

Messaging → Show DM bar when DM received in single-channel events

Branding → More consistent branding colors on icons in the sidebar, announcements, etc…

Channels → [Admin] Last changed date shown in dashboard 

Stats → All-time registration counter

Users → User logins more persistent

  • Users now stay logged in for 90 days to help with on-location users attending your hybrid event only needing to log in once! This setting can be adjusted if you site needs more stringent security!

Stats → [Admins] Deleted test users removed from stats views

  • Allows for easier testing
  • Improved anonymous user counting

Segments → [Admin] Bulk edit from viewers screen update segments

Rapid-fire edit your segments!

Platform → Restyled Footer

Additional Improvements and Bug Fixes


Clips → Cleaned up some situations when clip-specific freeform content wouldn’t display under the hero

Hero → Audio on Vimeo videos no longer auto-plays without the user opening the plastic wrap

Caching → Cloudflare integration updated to improve performance all around and also live update content more consistently without manual user caching clearing required

Forms → Improved how forms embedded on channels are treated when users refresh

Channels → More consistent color picker behavior


Blocks → List blocks are easier to edit content on across all screen sizes